How has it lead to this? 2017 is halfway done and it has already has proven to be an underwhelming year for animation. Despite a few hits (Lego: Batman, Captain Underpants, My Life as a Zucchini), studios continue to milk these current franchises with uninspired, by-the-numbers cash cows (Despicable M3, Cars 3, and Smurfs: The […]
Author: Jason Cueto
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5 Reasons Why “Alien: Covenant” is 2017’s Most Disappointing Film (So Far)

This summer has been an embarrassment of riches for Hollywood film franchises. While The Mummy, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales and Transformers: The Last Knight stood out desperate and exhausted, one in particular, Alien: Covenant, directed by visionary Ridley Scott, proved to be this summer’s disappointment. Now, the Alien franchise helmed […]