Superhero movies are here to stay. That’s been clear for a while, but it shouldn’t be something to get upset about. By their very nature comics are adaptive and can draw on many different influences, arguably the same is true of their cinematic counterparts. Marvel CEO Kevin Fiege describes each of his films as belonging […]
Author: Jack Cameron
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10 Great Recent Movies You’ve Probably Never Seen

With so many films released every year, it is natural that a few slip by the wayside and don’t get quite as much attention as they deserve. Whether they were unlucky enough to be released at the same time as a record-breaking blockbuster, or the marketing didn’t quite trickle down to the right people, or […]
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10 Great Recent Horror Movies You’ve Probably Never Seen

Horror is an interesting cinematic genre. For one thing, it seems hundreds of horror movies are made every year, relatively cheaply and relying on jump scares and special effects. But much like comedy, Horror is constantly changing as the breadth of things that scare us widen and change just as the world changes. This list […]
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10 Great Movies That Inspire You To Make Your Own Films

There’s an emerging trend in Hollywood (spearheaded by Marvel) of taking little-known directors, usually with a single Indie film to their name, and giving them one of their upcoming mega-budget blockbusters to play with. The intention being to take the charm and originality they showed in their first film and inject it into the types […]