The mechanism of the human mind has always been the center of discussions and a topic of controversy. From ancient Greek philosophers to Freud, mental health has been debated a lot. There are still many things we don’t know about the functions of the mind, and the general public is often undereducated about the disorders […]
Author: Ilona Aggelidou
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The 15 Greatest Cross-Gender Performances in Movie History

Throughout the history of acting, cross-gender performances used to be a common thing. From ancient Greek chorus to Japanese theater kabuki, the performers used to cross-dress and portray a character of the opposite sex. Nowadays, many things may have changed but cross-gender portrayals are not extinct from theatrical nor filmic representations and are very likely […]
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15 Non-English Language Films from This Century You Might Have Missed

Blockbusters and Hollywood movies in general are the order of the day. There is an abundance of films made in the USA throughout the world. However, many of the foreign gems of recent years are obscure in many regions. Here is a list of some meaningful European and Asian films which deserve a chance to […]