Martin Scorsese’s Silence (2016) explores the complex nature of faith through the quest of two priests (Andrew Garfield and Adam Driver) to reunite with their former mentor, Father Ferreira (Liam Neeson). Through the two hour forty-one minute run time Silence proves to be Martin Scorsese’s best film since his 1990 crime film Goodfellas. With Silence […]
Day: January 23, 2017
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The 20 Best Movie Performances of 2016
2016 has come to a close, the Oscars are right around the corner, and major publications have gone out of their way to publish as many end-of-the-year lists as possible. This includes a number of lists pointing out the greatest performances of the year. Taste of Cinema may be late to the party, but that’s […]
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10 Great Movies Based on Supposedly “Unfilmable” Books
Adaptations have existed since the days of the Greek tragedy, and they only seemed to have tripled in their numbers since the arrival of cinema in the late 19th century. While no novel has been safe from such a fate, not every film adapted from a novel has been a resounding success nor a catastrophic […]
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The 20 Best Movies About Mysteries That Remain Unsolved
Who doesn’t enjoy a good mystery? A puzzle or an element of suspense that gradually reveals itself––often with a detective figure or maybe even a supernatural ingredient to elevate the stakes or uncertainty? It’s often in genre films that we get the most tangible of mysteries, in horror, crime, sci-fi, or maybe a hardboiled noir […]