You might not have noticed, but there’s a new Ghostbusters film out. While your waiting for the sequel to the remake, or grumbling about your stolen childhood, lets have a look at some other fun ghost flicks you might have missed. There is something about the superstition and mythology of ghosts that lends itself to […]
Day: August 17, 2016
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10 Could-Be-Great Movies Ruined by Their Endings
You’re at the theatre, the lights are off, and before you screens an engrossing work of art. It’s fun, well-paced, and enjoyable. But something happens in the last half hour. The plot had been humming along like a well-oiled machine, but suddenly something inside of it seemed to catch fire. Wait, no! … Seriously? You […]
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10 Great Tearjerker Art Films That Will Make You Cry
There’s a certain underlying derisiveness in calling a movie a “tearjerker”; the term suggests excessive sentimentality and manufactured emotion, a movie carefully designed to get viewers to bawl their eyes out. A tearjerker can double as a genuinely great film though when that emotion is earned, and these ten films surely put in the work […]
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20 Underappreciated Comedy Movies You Might Not Have Seen
Comedy is a genre that has been under fire in recent years, and rightly so in many cases, in terms of big budget Hollywood comedy, we get sequels, spoofs and Adam Sandler, Kevin James disasters. If you look outside the mainstream of the genre there is so much diversity and originality and this is true […]