Animated films are renowned for making some of the most touching film experiences ever made. In fact at least eight of the fifty highest grossing films of all time are animated films. But often times other animated movies, while they might be good, can get lost among the more well known animated movies made by […]
Day: July 27, 2015
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15 Mean-Spirited Comedies That Are Worth Your Time
Most comedies are light in terms of tone, but there are a number of bold films that fall into the category of black comedy. Classics like Heathers, Dr. Strangelove and Fargo all depict horrible crimes and terrible people, but there isn’t a mean-spirit to them. They are meant to be satires and as dark as […]
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20 Great Films Where One Of The Main Characters Is A City
City-protagonist indicates a dominant narrative urban space which is more than just a virtual ambient containing the characters and facts. City-protagonist is the film’s principal narrative element and changing it will make the narration completely different if not meaningless. Indicating a location as one of the main characters of the narration may be a perfect […]