Maren Ade’s Toni Erdmann is one of those brilliant movies that you have to see for yourself in order to understand where all of the talk about it has been coming from – and once you do, you’ll realise what ‘the fuss’ was all about. On the surface, Toni Erdmann is a relatable story of […]
Toni Erdmann
Toni Erdmann – VIFF 2016 Review

Awash in humor yet punctuated with pathos, German writer/director Maren Ade’s latest and third film, Toni Erdmann is a pièce de résistance. On the surface this conquering comedy may feel a little garden-variety as we meet one Winfried Conradi (Peter Simonischek), a divorcé and retired music teacher who, following the death of his dear little […]