The 10 Best Documentary Films of 2018

Documentary films always seem to be left aside when it comes to year’s best films tops so that is why we’ve decided to make a list dedicated in its entirety to the non-fictional genre. And just like last year (, despite receiving much less attention, many of the films on this list are as good, […]

10 Great 2018 Drama Films You May Have Missed

It’s not really a new thing, but in 2018 drama movies seemed to have been even more buried under the never-ending pile of action blockbusters (sequels, reboots and remakes included). Apart from the music-filled “Bohemian Rhapsody” and “A Star Is Born” or – to a lesser extent – “First Man” or “Creed II”, drama films […]

10 Recent Movies With 100% Rotten Tomatoes Score

Rotten Tomatoes has become one of the most popular sites for film fans. As you probably already know, Rotten Tomatoes gathers film reviews from all over the world and generates scores based on the percentage of critics who liked a certain film. Rarely are there films that manage to get a 100% Rotten Tomatoes approval rating, meaning […]