10 Great Dark Comedies From the 1980s You May Have Missed

What it is about a delightfully dark comedy that we enjoy? While comedy comes in many forms–romantic, slapstick, buddy, slobs vs. snobs, surreal–only dark comedy seems to cut to the core of what makes something funny–which is that comedy is ultimately a response against the darker, sadder, and ultimately mortal elements of our existence. So […]

All 8 Todd Haynes Movies Ranked From Worst To Best

“The best films don’t offer redemption. They understand their own artificiality and are truthful as a result.” – Todd Haynes Exploring in his diverse and boldly mosaic body of work the complexity of identity and sexual politics, Todd Haynes is a singular and staggering talent. Born January 2, 1961 in Encino, California, Haynes’ fascinating film […]