10 Essential Films For An Introduction To The British New Wave

When the 1940s and World War II ended, Europe began to go through a regeneration—not just through its landscapes and cities, but via cinema, and the films produced throughout the continent. As the 1950s thrived, the world watched a transformed Europe where “New Wave” had begun in France, Germany, Czechoslovakia, and—in this case—Britain. Out of […]

The 20 Best American Independent Films of The 1990s


What is it with cinephiles and independent cinema? A quick look at any respected critics best of the year list or, indeed, participation in conversation with any good film buff will quickly lead one to realise that indie films are generally more favoured and acclaimed than blockbusters. Why? Because, generally, they are made without the […]

12 Reasons To Make You Love The Films Of Wes Anderson


Master of visual storytelling, Wes Anderson is an American film director and screenwriter whose films are known for his unique artistic sensibilities. The geometric concept, meticulous color schemes, quirky characters and dialogue, dead-pan comedy and camera movements are basic elements to help the audience recognize any Anderson film. There are other elements worth mentioning that […]

The 20 Best Films Adapted from Stephen King’s Works

The Shining

Every profound story contains an effective back story, and Stephen King’s narratives are exceptional. The prolific “master storyteller” provides just enough information to allow the readers to sink their teeth into the scenario. Though many literary scholars may disagree, King is comparable to nineteenth existentialists such as Fyodor Dostoevsky or Franz Kafka, and is aptly […]

10 Essential Francis Ford Coppola Films You Need To Watch

The Godfather, Part II (1974)

For over five decades, no other filmmaker has shaped the history of film and film craft as Francis Ford Coppola. Hardly any other career has been traversed in such a unique way from glorious, commercial success to financial disasters. After several years of working with major studio systems, Coppola stepped into the independent film business and founded […]