The Room. Plan 9 From Outer Space. Troll 2. Whenever someone mentions the term “so bad it’s good” in regards to cinema these are among the first films people think of. Or they might cycle around to Showgirls. Battlefield Earth. Manos: The Hands of Fate. Either way for those who only look at the surface […]
so bad it’s good movies
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The 25 Best So-Bad-Its-Good Films of All Time

“So bad, it’s good” cinema is on the rise, as evidenced by new websites (RiffTrax), books (Showgirls, Teenwolves, and Astro Zombies), and podcasts (How Did This Get Made?) that have been created during the past decade to meet demand from a growing fan base. It may seem like an inaccessible medium, or even a fruitless […]