Cinephilia is the term used to refer to a fervent love for films. It also includes interest in film criticism, film theory, and cinemas themselves. Cinephiles are mostly referred to as “movie buffs”. It is interesting to find characters such as these within films, since it creates a certain depth – A person watching a movie […]
Author: Susannah Farrugia
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The 10 Best Movies With Only One Actor

Actors can make or break a movie, whether there are huge star-studded ensemble casts, or just a couple of quality actors who let the script shine for itself. There are not many films that manage to thrive on one actor carrying the entire film alone. Andy Warhol experimented with the concept in his 1963 anti-film […]
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The 20 Best Cyberpunk Movies of All Time

“Cyberpunk” is a highly stylised subgenre of science fiction that generally features advanced technology and science together with a typically crumbling society in the middle of a radical breakdown of shift in the social order. Normally it is set at some point in the not-so-distant future, mostly post-industrial dystopias, and focuses on “high tech, low life” aspects of society. […]
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The 30 Best Movies That Take Place Within 24 Hours

Movies sometimes take us on a journey of months, years or decades, but there are also some films which manage to fit in complex stories, actual character development and startlingly real emotion inside a small 24 hour window. There are multiple ways to utilise time. The filmmakers may have used real time, flashbacks, alternative realities […]
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The 15 Best Movies With An Oedipus Complex

The term Oedipus complex explains the unconscious emotions that the mind represses that concentrates upon a child’s desire to have sexual relations with the parent of the opposite sex, specifically son to mother. Sigmund Freud coined the term “Oedipus complex”, also deprecated the term “Electra complex”, which was introduced by Carl Gustav Jung in regard to the Oedipus […]
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The 20 Best Movies About Love Affairs

Affairs – a word that conjures up a wealth of different emotions, be it the heady excitement of new love or the utter devastation that betrayal brings, as well as the tragedy that sometimes ensues. These films look at this controversial subject from different perspectives, and so might justify adultery, shame it, understand it or […]