Can you believe 2017 will be the 25th anniversary of “Reservoir Dogs”? Few recent filmmakers have had the impact as Tarantino, basically rewriting the way stories can be told with dialogue that can be described as a “verbal rollercoaster”. His words have the ability to make us laugh, cry, appalled, gasp, cringe in our seats […]
Author: Andy Kubica
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15 Classic Movies That Could Be Remade Today

Let’s face it, we live in a different world today. People have a lot of choices for their entertainment and many different ways to receive it. Since 2012, more people watch movies via a streaming service vs. physical media like DVD or Blu Ray. Filmmakers are already starting to account for the way their movies […]
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The 30 Best Lines from Best Picture Winners

“Great movie quotes become part of our cultural vocabulary. When you consider that any phrase from American film is eligible, you realize this is our most subjective topic to date. We expect nothing less than a war of words as we reignite interest in classic American movies.” – Jean Picker Firstenberg (President Emerita, American Film […]
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The 15 Best Sci-fi Movies Featuring Evil Machines

One of the earliest films featuring a cool robot was Fritz Lang’s “Metropolis” from 1927. It is still a marvel of visual splendor and ideas even when watched today. The imagery, backdrops and ideas are as relevant and interesting as they were then maybe even more so. It is too bad it most mostly misunderstood […]
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The 30 Coolest Movie Weapons of All Time

One would think the job of being a prop master or weapon designer would have to be one of the most fun and interesting jobs in Hollywood these days with virtually anything being possible only being limited by your imagination. In thinking through some of my favorite movies, there have been many cool, memorable weapons. […]
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The 10 Best Movies Featuring Evil Dolls

Evil dolls are right up there with clowns as one of those things that give a lot people the creeps. Under that theory, evil clown dolls would be the worst. They can be either made of plastic, wood or porcelain and be meant as toys or dolls for the amusement of children, for adults to […]