In 2007, director Zack Snyder took on the task of adapting Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons magnum opus “Watchmen”. Famous for revolutionizing DC Comics, “Watchmen” had had a troubled history making it to the big screen, but in 2009 was finally released to the public. The movie opened up to polarizing reviews, with some critics […]
Day: November 23, 2016
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12 Terrible Movies Made By Great Directors
There’s a classic saying that no one sets out to make a bad movie – unless you’re a talentless hack, then it goes without saying. Still, if you skim through some of the highest-regarded filmmakers around, with a little patience you’ll find that awkward stinker. It’s rare, but it happens, some times due to behind-the-scenes […]
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The 10 Best Movies About Nymphomaniacs
Female sexuality is one of those mysteries that will never quite be solved and that is why it will always be a hot topic in cinema. A female character that is at the peak of her sexuality- whether she is just constantly craving more sex for the purpose of pleasure or if it’s a more […]