Halloween is almost upon us, so what better time to round-up a list of the most scariest films of all time? Before diving into these suspense-filled nightmares carefully wed to celluloid let’s take care of a little house cleaning to clarify how such daunting a task of presenting only 30 films under the banner of […]
Day: October 25, 2016
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10 Famous Movies Completely Different to Their Source Material
In this post-modernist age, it can be argued that there is no such thing as an original film anymore. Everything is stolen, borrowed, remade, re-imagined and re-hashed. Movie ideas now come from books, comics, video games, board games, magazines, newspapers, radio, plays, music, cartoons, TV shows, theme parks, short films and even other films. However, […]
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10 Great Movies That Push Cinematic Form to The Extreme
Emile Cioran used to say that “form” is the only thing that matters in artwork, because it is the way in which the art manifests itself to whoever is experiencing it. The realistic efforts of the majority of film productions, the desire to contain the length of a shot (or of an entire film), to […]