Growing up as I did as a film lover in the 1990s, looking back now I can see it truly was a special time for both independent and mainstream cinema. Every month saw the release of half a dozen tent pole pictures, huge-budgeted blockbusters which essentially kept the film industry afloat so that there was […]
1990s American Movie Classics
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10 Great Underrated 1990s American Movie Classics You Probably Haven’t Seen

As a teenager in the 1990s, one was aware that American cinema was experiencing something of a golden renaissance, a period in which indie cinema and mainstream blockbusters could exist together and get along. There was room for both, and in fact the average cinema buff could healthily sample the mainstream and the independent, and […]
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10 Great 1990s American Movie Classics You Probably Haven’t Seen

The 1990s were the age of the mega blockbuster and the movie star as larger than life idol. From Will Smith to Harrison Ford, this was the era of the brave hero fighting against all odds, facing and indeed tackling a problem that was much bigger than him, and more often than not bigger than […]