Back in the 1950s, horror seemed so genteel: there were mad scientists working out of crumbling castles in some vaguely European locale, flying hubcaps from space that arrived on Earth to reanimate the recent dead and vampires whose good looks were as disarming as their manners. If a movie took place in the modern day […]
Author: Ethan Wilson
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The 15 Worst Movie Remakes of The 21st Century

In the early 2000s, Hollywood discovered a temporary cure for “sequelitis”, the disease that gave them the uncontrollable urge to make a sequel to every successful movie. By remaking previous hits instead, they could trade upon famous titles and wouldn’t have to come up with new stories. Convincing audiences to watch remakes of lousy 80s […]
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15 Great Action Movies You May Have Missed

When comedy or horror films fall flat, the results are usually painful to watch, but even when action films are bad, they’re good. If you’re a true action fan, you’re willing to overlook bad acting and absurd storylines as long as there are kick ass stunts, real good explosions and a bit where Chuck Norris […]
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10 Movies From The 21st Century That Deserve A Second Chance

Not only is there a difference between seeing a film in a cinema and watching it again later at home, but you yourself are different – older, hopefully wiser, most likely in a different mood than you were on opening night. Shorn of hype and expectation, you can get on the movie’s wavelength, accept it […]
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The 10 Weirdest Superhero Movies of All Time

It’s tough being a superhero, maintaining a secret identity while supervillains throw buildings at you all day, and it takes its toll. After a while, too many superheroes lose their sense of humour, start to appear po-faced and just aren’t fun to be around anymore. Fortunately for film fans, there are several superhero movies that […]
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The 15 Most Underrated Horror Movies of The 21st Century

As paradoxes go, this one’s up there with Schrodinger’s Cat: while it’s easier than ever to find movies to watch, it’s never been more difficult for a film to find its audience. Most films are sneaked out rather than released, and if you’re not a blockbuster, nobody appears to be paying much attention. When Troma […]