The Master of Suspense, Alfred Hitchcock, once said that if a filmmaker is ever in a slump as to what will be the next hit movie, they should look for a hit play. If only the Hollywood of 21st felt that way. Studio writers would have to develop compelling characters and storylines that were raw […]
Day: August 11, 2015
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10 Great Movies That Blur The Line Between Science Fiction and Science Fact
Most of us love a great science fiction movie. We can sit in the cinema for 2 hours and totally forget about the reality that awaits us outside. For these two hours, we are in a world of the unbelievable & unimaginable. As exhilarating as these films are, even more exciting is thinking of the […]
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15 Great Films That Let Your Eyes Do The Editing
Since the birth of cinema the average shot length (ASL) of films has been getting shorter and shorter, and when we talk about ASL (if you don’t know) we’re talking about how long a shot lasts before cutting. The lower the ASL, the more separate shots a film contains. To give you a practical example, […]