November Titles – Chinese Films

The Terrorizers

The Terroriser
You can never underestimate Edward Yang.For me,his style is mixed of Martin Scorsese and Robert Altman,great at telling multiple thread stories and always pointing to the darkest corner of the society.Every time I watched his film,I’m telling myself he is the best Chinese Director ever,it’s such a pity that he died 4 years ago and only left us 8 films.I have not seen them all yet,but I’m so impressed by the watched ones.This film is among his early ones,and like all cinema’s masters,he showed a great deal of what he was capable of,the discussion about modern marriage is so profound and even shocking in the end,the way he worked with sound and those cuttings are really interesting to watch.



Dust in the wind

Dust in the wind

Hou Hsiao-hsien is another great Taiwan director that has been talked about a lot,the themes of his early films are all like Andre Tarkovsky’s Nostalgia,this is due to his personal experience.He was born in Mei county,Guangdong and went to Taiwan when he was only 1 year old,if you know a little about Chinese History and Politics,you know why his early themes are like this.His style is like Ozu,very simple yet very touching,this film is very typical his,and if you have not watched his films yet,it can be a comfort start.







I have mentioned in my first article that I only go to cinema 2-3 times a year,and the last time I went to see one with my wife is to see this one.It is rare chance to see such low-budget art film in Chinese Cinema and both me and my wife did not want to miss it.The main reason we decided to support it is because it is about travelling and it is about Tibet.I was lucky to went to this pure and divine place with my wife a year ago,and it was my best life experience so far.To watch a man overcoming every obstacle to reach his dreamland is like going there again.This is the magic of cinema,it brings back your beautiful memories.


She is walking,he is smiling & Hospitalization is a must

She is walking,she is smiling

I’m always fond of watching Taiwan Stage Plays,because they dare to speak out and criticize everything unreasonable about the environment they are living in,sometimes it can be really radical,and they are lucky to have this kind of “open air” to express these things.The more I watched it,the more I feel restricted living in an environment like what I’m living now,that is why I appreciate those plays so much,things you can never have always enchant you.

November Titles finished!!