Since the beginning of the 21st century, cinema has continued its path with many new expansions. Today, digital platforms have become an indispensable part of our lives and we have gained new viewing habits. The debate regarding the essence of cinema, how films should be made, and what is ideal, will probably never end. Beyond […]
Great Recent Movies
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10 Great Recent Movies That Were Snubbed By The Oscars

The Academy Awards are always a source of controversy due to the highly politicized event that it has evolved into. It often seems as if the show is more of a checklist than an actual awards show that wishes to recognize the best that the year has to offer. In many cases, independent or semi-independent […]
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10 Great Recent Movies No One Talks About

A lot of movies are released every year and, as we get more access to them (aside from movie theaters, there are a number of streaming services, DVDs, compilations and so on) we seem to get lost even amidst the multitude of options. It’s hard to know which movies are really worth watching and, even […]
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10 Great Recent Movies You’ve Probably Never Seen

Over the ages, there have been many sources of entertainment and enjoyment that people turn to. Among those options is film. Whether they are young or old, movies tend to be a main source of entertainment for many people out in the world. There are hundreds of thousands of films in the world, so the […]
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10 Great Recent Movies You’ve Probably Never Seen

The mainstream circus has entranced us. It is an alarming thing that so many great films have passed under the radar only because they lacked strength in their marketing department. Some of them offer a profound experience, some mix satire with social commentary, and some just give us entertainment. Irrespective of the genre, they are […]
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10 Great Recent Movies You’ve Probably Never Seen

With so many films released every year, it is natural that a few slip by the wayside and don’t get quite as much attention as they deserve. Whether they were unlucky enough to be released at the same time as a record-breaking blockbuster, or the marketing didn’t quite trickle down to the right people, or […]