10 Directors Who Made Two Great Films In The Same Year

Hearts of Darkness A Filmmaker's Apocalypse

For most directors, releasing one great film in a year is an ambitious enough feat. Here are ten directors who were not satisfied with that accomplishment and released not one but two great films in a single year.   10. Steven Soderbergh – 2000 – “Erin Brockovich” and “Traffic” “Erin Brockovich” and “Traffic” each garnered […]

10 Great Actors Bound To Win An Oscar

Every Oscar season, some actors are overlooked, while others are considered overdue and others settle for their status as a nominee. While a lot of factors need to be taken into account when assessing someone’s Oscar chances (the competition, the movie’s success, the campaign etc.), there are a handful of actors who consistently give performances […]

10 Movie Directors Who Make The Most Original Films

In cinema, there are conventions and techniques that help filmmakers create experiences for the viewers. These conventions appear in most films and are safe ways to create films. But there are times in which some directors develop a style of their own that lets them create films that are highly unique. Their cinema becomes a […]