We all know that moment when you sit down to watch a movie that has everyone losing their minds over and hyping up beyond belief, and then when it’s over, you’re left incredibly disappointed and thinking: wait, that’s it? That’s what everyone’s been going crazy over? Why? It’s a pretty awful moment that everyone has […]
Author: Pall Jakobsson
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10 Disturbing Movies From The 21st Century You Will Never Watch Again

There have been many great movies released in the 21st century, many of them have been charming fluff that’s endlessly rewatchable, but many of them have also been really disturbing and dealt with heavy subject matter, and in this list we will be taking a look at those movies that you won’t feel the need […]
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The 10 Most Disappointing Movie Endings of All Time

Don’t you hate it when you’re watching a movie and you’re really enjoying it, you might even consider it to be great or even possibly a masterpiece, but then the ending happens and it sucks. The ending is the most important part of a film, get it right and you might turn an otherwise pretty […]
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The 10 Most Devastating Movies of All Time

Movies are for the most part made to be entertainment, nothing more than big harmless fluff that’s primarily there to make money and even though these films can be really enjoyable and fun they can get a bit stale if you don’t consume a few thought-provoking and complex films in-between, films that are made to […]
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10 Movie Masterpieces That Are Beyond Explanation

Some movies are more easily understood than others and it’s always a fun challenge to watch something that you might not quite understand on first viewing, it can be extremely satisfying to delve deep into a complex film and try to decipher its deeper meaning, in this list we will take a look at ten […]