10 Great Movies That Make You Glad You’re Single

Listen: being single can be pretty great. Romantic relationships, though glorified in all art forms, can also be incredibly messy affairs that lead to heartbreak, emotional distress, and worse. At least if you’re single no one can hurt you and there’s more wine available for yourself. And single people get short shift in films. If […]

The 10 Most Disturbing Movies of the 21st Century (So Far)

What is it about truly disturbing movies that film fans enjoy? Is it their sheer audacity and strangeness? The extreme violence and graphic sexual elements that are often on display in these films? Is it some sort of severe second-hand prurient thrill we’re seeking through fiction? Whatever the case, many dedicated cinephiles tend to seek […]

The 15 Best Character Introductions In Movie History


Even in film, first impressions count for a lot. Since movies only have a relatively brief amount of time to establish their story, setting, and characters, it takes skill to concentrate and shorthand entire characters and what they ultimately mean to the story being told. It’s how a character is presented that leads to why […]