Love ‘em or hate ‘em, they’re here to stay. As long as they keep making money, so-called “found footage” films will continue to be produced, and really, who could blame those behind them? These movies are, generally speaking, cheap, quick to make, don’t necessarily require big stars, and have been, for the most part, reliably […]
Author: Jason Turer
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20 Recent Movies That Clearly Hoped For Oscars But Failed

You know their type. Mockingly referred to as “Oscar bait,” these are the films that, from the first trailer (and sometimes even earlier), look like they were made for one reason and one reason only: to win golden, naked man-shaped statues. Featuring inspirational orchestral music, A-list talent, and the promise of tackling important hot-button issues, […]
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15 Famous Movies That Have Subtle Hidden Meanings

Like novels, plays, and other forms of art, movies sometimes have a lot more going on beneath their surfaces than it would seem. Writers and directors have often used the medium not just to tell stories, but to make moral or political points, and sometimes it’s this latter goal that’s actually the primary intention motivating […]
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The 20 Most Anticipated Movies In The History Of Hollywood

There are several factors that can create anticipation leading up to the releases of certain movies. Often, it’s the sequels (and sometimes prequels) to wildly popular films that get people excited, though adaptations of bestselling novels and comic books have been awaited with almost equal degrees of enthusiasm, especially in the last couple of decades. […]
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5 Famous Movies That Caused Unexpected Controversy

There’s no shortage of controversy in the world of cinema, from D. W. Griffith’s landmark 1915 film Birth of a Nation to this year’s Noah. Usually it’s clear ahead of time which films will ruffle the collective feathers. Focus on certain individuals and you can virtually be guaranteed to provoke controversy. Ditto for anything explicitly […]
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25 Great Claustrophobic Movies That Are Worth Your Time

Few feelings create more anxiety than the sense of being trapped in a small space or unable to move or escape. Even if you’re not a full-blown claustrophobe, almost everyone can relate to that inner panic that floods in when placed in such a situation. It is a testament to the power of cinema that […]