Film noir was a genre (or, some prefer, a cycle of films) that thrived predominantly in Hollywood crime films in the early post World War II years, as men were returning from the military to their lives at home, and these films express the anxiety that many men felt about being displaced as workers, boyfriends, […]
Author: James Davidson
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20 Overlooked 80s Thrillers That Are Worth Your Time

The thriller genre was going full steam in the late 1970’s, with the large scale success of John Carpenter’s low budget film Halloween in 1978 propelling the thriller genre forward into the 1980’s. Thrillers were generally made up of more conventional crime films and murder mysteries, or slasher films such as Friday the 13th and […]
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The 30 Greatest Character Actors in Hollywood History

They may not be flashy, but any filmmaker will tell you that they can’t make a movie without good character actors. They are the best friends, the reliable sergeants, trusted deputies and essential confidants. Character actors are usually anonymous ‘types’ who can play a variety of characters, or idiosyncratic individuals who fit a certain mold […]
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20 Overlooked 70s Thrillers That Are Worth Your Time

The 1970’s were a great decade for thrillers, as production code restrictions had been lifted in favor of a ratings system, allowing “R” rated films considerable leeway in the amount of sex and violence that could be included. Armed with this new freedom, filmmakers ran wild making movies that titillated and thrilled audiences, resulting in […]
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20 Overlooked 60s Thrillers That Are Worth Your Time

The 1960’s began with a bang as far as thrillers go, kicking off the decade with Alfred Hitchcock reigning supreme as Psycho was released in the summer of 1960. By the latter part of the decade, the career of the ‘Master of Suspense’ was in decline, and young directors such as Roman Polanski came up […]
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15 Essential Jimmy Stewart Films You Need To Watch

James Maitland Stewart began his career in the early 1930’s and by the start of World War II was a successful leading man. His career as a leading man lasted until the mid 1960’s, when he began to gradually shift into more grandfatherly parts. Early on, Stewart was known for his earnest persona but in […]