20 Essential Films For An Introduction To The Cannon Cult Films

best Cannon films

“We’re Cannon Films and we’re dynamite!” – Quote from promotional trailer. Formed in 1967, American film production company Cannon Films specialised in under the radar cult movies and the type of cinema that big league Hollywood wouldn’t touch. One of their most popular and profitable films was “Joe”, directed by John G. Aviledson, who would […]

20 Essential Films For An Introduction To Polish Cinema

Three Color Trilogy Red

With the Polish cinema, one associates a wide variety of different genres, creative styles and technical innovations. This artistic creation can be described accordingly by the big three P’s: Politically, Poetic, Polarizing. This list includes the names of significant representatives of the cinematic craft such as Krzysztof Kieslowski, Roman Polanski and Jerzy Kawalerowicz. They have […]